Doodle art is common among kids, but most parents do not know why their children love it. You will be surprised to learn how meaningful the spontaneous and random marks your kid puts on paper are. So, the next time you see your child doodling, don’t assume it is due to inattentiveness. Besides, instead of stopping them, encourage your kids to continue doodling.

Based on studies, doodling has proven to be an impactful learning method. It promotes their creativity, enhances their information retention, and promotes healthy brain development. Equally important, it is a step closer to accurate and meaningful drawing and handwriting.

Why do kids need to doodle?

Kids need to doodle due to the various benefits of such an activity. First, it is one of the activities that kids love naturally; hence, there is no need to insist that your child start it. As a teacher, one of the things I notice my students love is doodling. You can also easily find tutorials on how to start doodle art on Youtube.

Besides being easy to begin, doodle art also benefits your kid in other ways, including the following;

Boosts Mood

Life often becomes stressful, and not even the kids are spared from this, especially regarding school. Build your child’s resilience through doodle art since it improves one’s mood. It is therapeutic since it promotes self-expression and allows positivity for an innovative, productive, and happy child.

Enhances Creativity

Rules often limit creativity by establishing boundaries within which one operates. The same applies to children, but fortunately, doodling lacks these restrictions. So, your child can develop creativity maximumly, become innovative and solve various issues easily, fast, and effectively.

Improves Alertness

As children study, their brains often get overstimulated. That fatigue compromises one’s alertness making it impossible for the child to concentrate, leave alone gasp anything. On the other hand, doodling hardly overstimulates a certain part of the brain since it uses several simultaneously. It also allows them to stay alert despite long learning periods. Doodling ensures your child understands complex concepts too.

Enhances Information Recall and Memory

Depending on how they retain information, you can tell the difference between kids who doodle and those who don’t. Kids who doodle are good at it since the art teaches them to use several parts of the brain’s information input system. The child’s memory improves by involving auditory, writing & reading, visual, and kinaesthetic input.

It Suits One’s Mental Health

Mental health issues can develop as early as 5 years. It would be an awful experience, given the consequences, since they are long-term. Regardless, these occurrences are avoidable if you introduce your kid to doodling as early as possible.

Final Thoughts

It turns out that doodling isn’t as useless as it appears. As a parent, you can also consider a free doodle art class to help you support your child throughout this useful journey. Doodling also works its magic on adults, and you can benefit as you assist your child. The bottom line is never to stop but rather encourage your child to doodle for the abovementioned benefits.